Line 1:

Trailer: 30’ fifth wheel low boy trailer
Voltage: 3 phase 240v 60 amp/ 480v 30amp
Bottling speed: 37 BPM, 1,100-1,300 cases per day
Bottle Sparging: Single head sparger
Filler: Fimer 12 spout gravity fed filler
Corker: Fimer single head corker
Screwcaper: Fimer single head caper
Spinner: Norton 5 pneumatic head spinner
Labeler: Imprestick 2 station pressure sensitive labeler
Case Sealer: 3” automatic case sealer.
Filter Housing: 2 30” filter housings
Wine Pump: Yamada air pump.
Sterilizing: Sussman steam generator
Air Source: 5hp rotary vain air compressor with air dryer, oil separator, and air purifier.

Line 2:

Trailer: 50’ NASCAR style hauler
Voltage: 3 phase 240v 60 amp/480v 30 amp.
Bottling Speed: 100bpm, 3,500 cases per day.
Bottle Sparging: McBrady orbital sparger
Filler: Bertolaso 27 spout gravity fed, fully automated filler
Corker: Bertolaso 4 head fully automated corker
Screwcaper: Bertolaso 4 head fully automated screwcaper
Capsule Applicator/ Spinner: Norton 8 pneumatic head fully automated spinner
Labeler: Imprestick 2 station pressure sensitive labeler
Case Sealer: 3” automatic case sealer
Filter Housing: 2 30” filter housings
Wine Pump: Waukesha 30 positive displacement
Sanitizing: Sussman steam generator
Air Source: 5hp rotary vain air compressor with air dryer, oil separator, and air purifier.